Downloadonly plugin for yum
There are two ways to download a package without installing it.
One is using the “downloadonly” plugin for yum, the other is using “yumdownloader” utility.
Downloadonly plugin for yum
- Install the package including “downloadonly” plugin:
1 | (RHEL5) |
- Run yum command with “–downloadonly” option as follows:
1 | # yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=<directory> <package> |
- Confirm the RPM files are available in the specified download directory.
* Before using the plugin, check /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/downloadonly.conf to confirm that this plugin is "enabled=1"
* This is applicable for "yum install/yum update" and not for "yum groupinstall". Use "yum groupinfo" to identify packages within a specific group.
* If only the package name is specified, the latest available package is downloaded (such as sshd). Otherwise, you can specify the full package name and version (such as httpd-2.2.3-22.el5).
* If you do not use the --downloaddir option, files are saved by default in /var/cache/yum/ in rhel-{arch}-channel/packages
* If desired, you can download multiple packages on the same command.
* You still need to re-download the repodata if the repodata expires before you re-use the cache. By default it takes two hours to expire.
If downloading a installed package, “yumdownloader” is useful.
Install the yum-utils package:
# yum install yum-utils
Run the command followed by the desired package:
# yumdownloader <package>
* The package is saved in the current working directly by default; use the --destdir option to specify an alternate location.
* Be sure to add --resolve if you need to download dependencies.
Example by Centos 6.8
1 | # cat /etc/redhat-release |