golang - 大肆夸赞一番
I/O concurrency
CPU Parallelism
Thread Challenges
多线程爬虫 Demo
- sync.Mutex
- lock
- thread
- Goroutine
primary-backup replication
state transfer
- memrory: 内存状态的转移到另外机器,实现起来比较简单
replication state machine
- OP: 操作状态转移,相对复杂,需要考虑很多种情况
- what state?
- VMware Fault Tolerance (FT)
- 网络分区导致脑裂?
- 主从副本 primary crash 导致的脑裂?
- MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
- The Google File System
- The Design of a Practical System for Fault-Tolerant Virtual Machines